Ok, so we started with beers. A very tidy lunch with beers at the Emporium. Things went downhill quickly. With three or so cartons under our belts Keith arrived to cab us over to the north side and Rossco's party. Ross had invited me to his party and made the mistake of extending the invitation to my mates. Nine or ten of us rocked up to his party in a maxi taxi with our beer bin, ready for a big night. Hehe

Gemma with our mate Keith. Trudy, Chrissie and Mum, this is the guy responsible for getting us home safely most weekends. Really, it is his fault that we go out at all.

The half of team coops. Matching outfits (NOT intentional)

Rossco and I, the group was still quite civilised at this stage

And then Mel arrived...

Mel and Toby (watch the journey of the wig)

The girls
(back) Gemma, me, Mel
(front) Deb (also known as Becky) and Flick

Gemma and Mel

Mel and Toby

Mel and Gemma
We waited for the countdown then were ready for more. On the phone to Keith then onto the next place... the valley

Strut your stuff...

Come on Justin... get up

The ladies

More ladies
Getting tired...

I've changed my mind. More dancing for the ladies
Becky loves the gay club!

Nope, had enough. It must have been 5am by now
NOOOOOO!!!!! I can't sleep when the sun is up. Good night though. Thanks Keith (AGAIN) for picking us up and getting us home safely

I'm a lady! The ladies on the way home, looking gorgeous!

Bye Keith, nice hair
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