Thursday, February 16, 2006

Part three of the birthday party

It was quite a big turn out for Daniel's Birthday party, popular little 4 year old that one.
We had a lovely afternoon sitting outside sipping soda like ladies, nibbling on nibblies and chatting about the weather. Very nice, very delicate.
Then Gemma, Grant, Tobias and Flick arrived with the beer and it was on. LOL
We had a really nice afternoon with a tribe of children, some of us played games, played on the swings etc etc.
We ended up in the garage drinking more beer, talking, laughing and playing darts.
Much fun, thanks Bec and Dale.
Alan playing darts
and doing his Blue Steele pose
Sean, looking very happy!

Tia striking a pose


Daniel's Birthday, Part 2

Flick pretending she can play
Kerri, Dale, Bec, Sean, Paul and Amanda much later in the night
Sean, Flick, Mum and Alan in the garage... watching darts
Daniel cutting the case

Daniel's 4th Birthday, Part 1

Darts in the garage, very manly

The kids on the swings... and Gemma on the left.
Daniel with his cool new present

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

more photos, same night

Toby looking HOT
Gemma and background
the three flatties

more photos

Craig, Al, Grant, Toby, Adam, Brent and Guy
Al, Toby, Adam and Brent
and again
all of the guys again
flick, me, geoff (front), grant (back), gemma
same, slightly more dramatic!

More photos

Sat 28th

This is only about the photos. We had the old gang over for drinks and had a blast. Present were Gemma, Grant, Flick, Alex, Brent, Adam, Chunk and Guy.

Geoff, Me and Toby

Geoff being a poser!

Gem and Grant again

Guy, Me and Gem

Thats me and Gemma

Guy and chunk

Gem and Flick

Straya Day

Australia day was a little more refined this year, the days of passing out by 7pm, assigning 'strayn' names and throwing up in gardens (not me!) are well in the past. This year we camped out at Gemma and Grants new place for a BBQ and beers on the back balcony. Very civilised.
We did still manage to consume a good couple of cartons of beer and a few bottles of wine.

This is approx half of the group. from left to right: Linda, Toby, Flick, Jessica (on flicks lap), Geoff, Grant and Chrissy.