Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Big weekend out!

Dylan and Kris' reception

Well, I had a fantastic weekend this weekend. Andrew (brother) came up from South Australia for our cousin Dylan's reception. It was out at Mt Tambourine at Kris' (Dylan's wife) parents house. It was just beautiful, unfortunately we were only able to stay until 9pm as we were heading off to Big Day Out the next morning and needed sleep in preparation. Still, we meet a bunch of people and had a really good night.

Andrew, Dylan and I

Kris (middle) with her mum and dad.

Dylan and Kris

Cutting the cake

Myself, Andrew and Dylan

Myself, Andrew, Kris and Dylan

Big Day Out

Toby, Geoff, Flick and I scored a job working on the gates at Big Day Out. We worked for about 3 and a half hours and then got free entry. Fantastic. We had to be on the bus that took us from Brisbane to the Gold Coast by 8am so it was a pretty early start. No complaints though. Andrew caught a ride down the coast with my friend Bek and her brother Matt and then we caught up to watch Wolfmother.

Needless to say we all had a brilliant day. Only got two photos on my mob which makes the colour a little funny but it is better than nothing.

Andrew with my sunnies that I could not get rid off. I threw them away twice and had them returned to me. Then andrew threw them away three times before someone found them and thought it was the best score all day and pocketed them.

Andrew and I in the mosh pit listening to Franz Ferdinand. Very fun.

Andrew, I hope you had a good day because I had a bloody ripper! I will see you there next year, Yeah?

Monday, January 16, 2006

In 5 days time Emily (my younger sister) will be leaving South Australia for a one year Rotary exchange in Finland. What an exciting week for her.
Em, I hope you have a wonderful time, make sure you keep your blogging and / or emailing up as we all want to know what is happening and how things are going.
I bet you will have such an amazing time that you will not want to come back.
Just for the record, I do want you to come back!
Have an amazing time, I will see you in a year.

The other big thing is that I have finally gotten my shit together and will be attending Uni in 2006. I was accepted into the Bachelor of Applied Science course at QUT's Gardens Point campus. That means that in a matter of weeks I will be a uni bum. Brilliant!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Skydiving just north of Adelaide, South Australia.

Thanks Dad!
On the 29th of December my siblings (Rebecca, Andrew and Emily), Becs husband Dale and I went skydiving as a christmas and birthday celebration. Here are a couple of photos from my jump. What a fantastic experience.
An absolute buzz from leaving the plane all the way through until being under canopy and landing. Definitely on my list of things to do again.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hooray, christmas and new years are both in the past I am finally free to get back to the real world.

I thought it would be fun to show the last month in images.
I spent three nights in Melbourne for the SGS Strategic Planning Meeting and christmas parties. Had a fantastic time drinking cocktails on the first night with Sara, below. Both looking a little worse for wear.
After Melb I headed down to Adelaide to spend christmas with the family including my sister, her husband and their two children (Daniel and Isaac,below)


Isaac with Rebecca (Mum) and Uncle Andrew in the background

So, had 10 nights in country South Australia soaking up the serenity. The place is looking a little resort like at the moment and was very enjoyable. Thanks dad for the beers! That was tops.

Fortunately I do not have any photos from New Years, it is fair to say that I was not at my best. Went to Beks house for a party until 10.30/11pm then headed into the Valley to Family to dance the night away. Pete Tong was the DJ for the midnight hour and was nothing compared to what I was expecting. That really was the only disappointment for the night so I really have nothing to complain about.

I will update when I have scanned a photo from my skydive. Jumped out of a plane on the 29th of December, what a fantastic thing throwing yourself out of a plane is, amazing!

Chao for now